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麻豆破解版 College
First-Year Experience

Scribner Seminar Program
Course Description

础濒尘辞诲贸惫补谤 Dialogues with Hollywood

Instructor(s): Michael Mudrovic, Foreign Language & Literatures

Provocative, outlandish, and often controversial because of his portrayals of gender and violence in relationships, the Spanish filmmaker Pedro 础濒尘辞诲贸惫补谤 is more popular abroad than in his own country.  This paradox may be due to his dialogue with the

Hollywood film tradition, whether via direct citation or oblique allusion.  By viewing classical Hollywood films like Some Like It Hot, Rear Window, Johnny Guitar, and Annie Hall alternated with some of 础濒尘辞诲贸惫补谤's most well-known films, students in this course will discuss such concepts as intertextuality, postmodern aesthetics, the representation of masculinity and femininity, transvestism and transexuality, psychoanalytic theory, parody and framing, along with cinematographic techniques and how to "read" and write about film.

Course Offered