Although not required for the major, we strongly encourage all Neuroscience (NS) majors to engage in independent research as part of their learning experience within the NS curriculum. We offer many avenues into research, and hope that you begin this process sooner rather than later!
Here, we focus on for-credit research options during the academic year. Please note that you will need to talk to your professors in order to enroll in these research courses. Approach them well before registration period to ask if you can join their lab 鈥 spots are competitive and labs can fill quickly. A good time to ask a professor about joining their lab is after you've just done well in a course taught by that professor.
Some faculty members will require that you complete the form below in order to enroll in for-credit research in their lab.
Download the Special Permission for Independent Research in Neuroscience Form HERE. |
Course Offerings:
NS 275 - Introduction to Neuroscience Research (1-credit): this is often the entry-point in a professor's lab. It is a 1-credit research experience
that varies quite a bit, depending upon the professor. Generally speaking, it will
give you the opportunity to see what kind of research goes on in a professor's lab
and how you could fit into that research program. You can do several of these, with
different professors. It can often be beneficial to join a lab in this manner your
1st or 2nd year at 麻豆破解版.
Course description from the college catalog: An introductory exploration of conducting research in neuroscience. The purpose
of this learning experience is to provide students with an interactive research experience
in the laboratory or field, in coordination with a faculty member. Students may be
exposed to, and participate in, several aspects of the research process, including
planning, designing, and implementing the research, as well as in data analysis and
interpretation of the results. This experience will allow students at various stages
of their careers to sample research questions/methodologies in particular subdisciplines
of neuroscience, and will enhance the student's ability for more independent work.
Prerequisites: completion of NS 101 and permission of instructor. This course can
be repeated for credit up to five credits. Must be taken S/U.
NS 371- Research Experience in Neuroscience (1-, 2-, or 3-credit): this is the next step in terms of independent research, with 3 options in terms
of time commitment. These projects usually follow an NS275 introductory research experience,
and tend to involve more ownership of an independent research project. The workload
at the 2- and 3-credit levels is more intense, with 3-4 hours/week of work expected
per credit hour. Progression from NS275 to NS371 is not assumed, so make sure to approach
your professor before registration (during advising week or even earlier) to see if
they would be willing to mentor an NS 371 experience for you.
Course description from the college catalog: Directed study providing students with the opportunity for an intensive research
experience in a particular laboratory or field setting. The emphasis is on the further
development of students' research skills within a particular area of neuroscience
inquiry. Each student will work with an individual faculty member on various aspects
of the research process including the design and implementation of a research project,
data analyses and interpretation, and scientific writing. This one-semester experience
may be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: NS 101 and agreement of a faculty member
to serve as mentor. Must be taken S/U.
NS 375H/NS 376 鈥 Senior Research Project I/II (4-credit each semester): this is the most advanced and intensive form of independent research you can do
as an NS major. It is what many students and faculty call a "senior thesis." It
is a two-semester experience, with NS375H occurring in the fall of senior year and
NS376 occurring in the spring. Again, you will work closely with a faculty mentor
on an intensive research experience. Only for the most motivated and organized students!
Unlike NS275 and NS371, NS375H and NS376 are taken for letter grades that count towards
a student's GPA.
Course description of NS375 from the college catalog: NS375 is designed to be the first semester of a year-long research project ("thesis"
experience"); following successful completion of NS 375, students should enroll in
NS376 in the following semester. Students will work with an individual faculty member
to develop a major research project. This development will include the conceptualization
of a topic, review of the scientific literature, the learning of any necessary research
techniques, the execution of any preliminary research, and the submission of a research
proposal to the faculty supervisor. Prerequisites: previous research experience (e.g,
NS275, NS371, PS275, PS371, BI275, BI371, summer research, etc.) and agreement of
a faculty member to serve as mentor. Not S/U.