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麻豆破解版 College
Office of Institutional Research

Student Rating of Courses and Teaching

Key Dates and information

The Spring 2025 Student Rating of Courses and Teaching should be ready for distribution on Thursday, April 17, 2025. When they are available, We will send an email. Please wait until you receive an email indicating that packets are ready. The pickup location will be at the Institutional Research Office in Hoge Hall, room 206. Pick up times will be listed in the email. 

  • Thursday, November April 10: Withdrawal deadline. Any changes to course enrollments must be made by this date to ensure you receive the correct number of forms. 
  • Thursday, April 17: Anticipated start of packet distribution. We encourage you to pick up your packets as soon as possible to ensure you have enough time to prepare for administering. 
  • Monday, April 21 - Wednesday, April 30: Ratings administered during last weeks of classes.
  • Wednesday, April 30: Last day of classes.
  • Friday, May 2: please be sure ratings forms are returned to department assistants by this date.
  • Monday, May 5: Department assistants should return packets to 206 Hoge Hall by this date.

Please review the Instructions for Administering Course Ratings in Class for detailed instructions and Frequently Asked questions. A copy of these instructions will be included in each envelope. We would like to emphasize the following points:

  • Auditors and independent study students do not complete ratings, and forms are not provided for them.
  • Ratings forms are unique and specific to each course section. Please ensure that the course section on the label and forms are correct for the course being rated.
  • Forms are machine scanned, and therefore must be marked properly by students.
  • Forms should not be folded or stapled.
  • Blank forms should be returned with completed forms in the envelope provided.
  • Please do not seal the envelopes.
  • Please check envelopes for department forms and remove prior to returning to IR.
  • If you encounter any problems, please contact knelson3@skidmore.edu or x8309 for guidance.
  • The individual administering course ratings should be instructed to read the directions at the top to students as forms are distributed.

rating instructions

Information for Faculty, Chairs and program directors

Information pertaining to understanding your results, all-college averages and research studies can be found here (password required-faculty only).

Results are distributed several weeks after classes end. Reports are sent to your email from Class Climate Admin classclimate@skidmore.edu If you have not received your reports, email knelson3@skidmore.edu for assistance.