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First Responder Health and Safety Laboratory

Scientific Peer-Reviewed Publications

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Haller, H.M. and Smith D.L. (2019).  Safety. DOI: 10.3390/safety5030050

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Korre, M., Sampani, K., Grossi Porto, L.G., Fehling, P.C., Christophi, C.A., Kales, S.N.  (2019).   American Journal of Cardiology. 123(5):736-741.

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Korre, M., Fehling, P.C., Sampani, K., Porto, L.G.G., Christophi, C.A., Kales S.N. (2018). . Journal of the American Heart Association. 7:e009446.

Smith, D.L., DeBlois, J.P., Kales, S.N., Horn, G.P. (2016). Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 44(3): 90鈥97. 

Farioli A., Yang, J., Teehan, D., Baur, D.M., Smith D.L., Kales S.N. (2014). Duty-related risk of sudden cardiac death among young U.S. firefighters. Occupational Medicine. 64(6): 428鈥435.

Yang, J., Teehan, D., Farioli, A., Baur, D.M., Smith, D., Kales, S.N. (2013). Sudden cardiac death among firefighters 鈮45 years of age in the United States. American Journal of Cardiology, 112(12): 1962鈥1967.

Smith, D.L., Barr, D, Kales, S.N. (2013). Extreme sacrifice: sudden cardiac death in the US Fire Service. Extreme Physiology & Medicine, 2: 6.

Fent, K., Toennis, C., Sammons, D., Robertson, S., Calafat, A., Pleil, J., Wallace, A.G., Kerber, S., Smith, D., Horn, G. (2019). . International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.06.006

Fent, K.W., Mayer, A., Bertke, S., Kerber, S., Smith, D., Horn, G.P. (2019).. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2019.1617870

Mayer, A.C., Fent, K.W., Bertke, S., Horn, G.P., Smith, D.L., Kerber, S., La Guardia, M.J.  (2019).  . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 16(2):129-140, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2018.1540877

Fent, K.W., Evans, D.E., Babik, K., Striley, C., Bertke, S., Kerber, S., Smith, D., Horn, G.P. (2018). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.  15(5):399-412.

Fent, K.W., Alexander, B., Roberts, J., Robertson, S., Toennis, C., Sammons, D., Bertke, S., Kerber, S., Smith, D., Horn, G. (2017). . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 14(10): 801鈥814.

 Smith, D.L., Friedman, N.M.G., Bloom, S.I., Armero, W.L., Pence, B.D., Cook, M.D., Fernhall, B., Horn, G.P., Woods, J. (2019).  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001626

Gainey, S.J., Horn, G.P., Towers, A.E., Oelschlager, M.L., Tir, V.L., Drnevich, J., Fent, K.W., Kerber, S., Smith, D.L., Freund, G.G. (2018). . PLoS One. 13(8): e0201830.

Kales, S.N., Smith, D.L. (2017). . Circulation. 135(14): 1296鈥1299 (editorial). 

Korre, M., Sampani, K., Porto, L., Farioli, A., Christiani, D.C., Christophi, C.A., Lombardi, D.A., Smith, D.L., Kales, S.N. (2016). . Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology. 7:7; DOI: 10.4172/2155鈥9880.1000459.

Korre, M., Christiani, D.C., Christophi, C.A., Lombardi, D.A., Kovacs, R.J., Abbasi, Siddique, Steigner, M., Moffatt, S., Smith, D., Kales, S.N. (2016). "A review of left ventricular mass and heart weight assessment by cardiac MRI, echo, and autopsies in normal and diseased hearts." Journal of Integrative Cardiology. 2(6): 432鈥440.

Smith, D.L., Fehling, P.C., Frisch, A., Haller, J.M., Winke, M, Dailey, M.W. (2012). The prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors and obesity in firefighters. Journal of Obesity, Volume 2012, Article ID 908267, 9 pages. 

Soteriades, E.S., Smith, D.L., Tsismenakis, A.J., Baur, D.M., Kales, S.N. (2011). Cardiovascular disease in US firefighters: a systematic review. Cardiology in Review, 19(4): 202鈥215.

Horn, G.P., Kesler, R.M., Kerber, S., Fent, K.W., Schroeder, T.J., Scott, W.S., Fehling, P.C., Fernhall, B., Smith, D.L. (2017). . Ergonomics. 61(3): 404鈥419.

Ives, S.J., Lefferts, W.K., Wharton, M., Fehling, P.C., Smith, D.L. (2016). . Experimental Physiology. 101(12): 1541鈥1551.

Smith D.L., DeBlois, J.P., Wharton, M., Rowland, T. (2015). Myocardial functional responses do not contribute to maximal exercise performance in the heat. Extreme Physiology and Medicine. 4:11.

Smith D.L., DeBlois, J.P., Wharton, M., Fehling, P.C., Randive, S. (2015). Effects of moderate exercise-induced heat stress on carotid wave intensity. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 115(10): 2223鈥2228.

Lefferts, W.K., Heffernan, K.S, Hultquist, E.M., Fehling, P.C., Smith, D.L. (2015). . Vascular Medicine. 20(3): 222鈥229.

Fehling, P.C., Haller, J.M., Lefferts, W.K., Hultquist, E.M., Wharton, M., Rowland, T.W., Smith, D.L. (2015). Effect of exercise, heat stress and dehydration on myocardial performance. Occupational Medicine. 65(4): 317鈥323.

Smith, D.L., Arena, L., DeBlois, J.P., Haller, J.M., Hultquist, E.M., Lefferts, W.K., Russell, T., Wu, A., Fehling, P.C. (2014). Effect of base layer materials on physiological and perceptual responses to exercise in personal protective equipment. Applied Ergonomics, 45(3): 428鈥436.

 Horn, G., Blevins, S., Fernhall, B., and Smith, D. (2013). Core temperature and heart rate responses to repeated bouts of firefighting activity. Ergonomics, 56(9): 1465鈥1473.

Horn G.P., DeBlois J., Shalmyeva I., Smith D.L. (2012). Quantifying dehydration in the Fire Service using field methods and novel devices. Prehospital Emergency Care, 16: 347鈥355.

Smith, D.L., Shalmiyeva, I., DeBlois, J., Winke, M.  (2012). Use of salivary osmolality to assess dehydration. Prehospital Emergency Care, 16: 128鈥135.

Petruzzello, S.J., Gapin, J.I., Snook, E., Smith, D.L. (2009). Perceptual and physiological heat strain: examination in firefighters in laboratory- and field-based studies. Ergonomics, 52(6): 747鈥754.

 Porto, L.G.G., Schmidt, A.C.B., de Souza, J.M., Nogueira, R.M., Fontana, K.E., Molina, G.E., Korre, M., Smith, D.L., Junqueira, L.F., Kales, S.N. (2019).. Work. 62(3):485-495.

Korre, M., Smith, D., Kales, S.N. (2018). . (Editorial). Occupational Medicine.  68(3):160-162.

Korre, M., Porto, L.G.G., Farioli, A., Yang, J., Christiani, D.C., Christophi, C.A., Lombardi, D.A., Kovacs, R.J., Mastouri, R., Abbasi, S., Steigner, M., Moffat, S., Smith, D., Kales, S.N. (2016). . American Journal of Cardiology. 118(11): 1769鈥1773.

Smith D.L., DeBlois, J.P., Wharton, M., Rowland, T. (2015). Myocardial functional responses do not contribute to maximal exercise performance in the heat. Extreme Physiology and Medicine. 4:11.

Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P., Petruzzello, S.J., Freund, G.G., Fernhall, B. (2014). Effect of obesity on acute hemostatic responses to live-fire training drillsAmerican Journal of Cardiology. 114(11): 1768鈥1771.

Smith, D.L., Fehling, P.C., Frisch, A., Haller, J.M., Winke, M, Dailey, M.W. (2012). The prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors and obesity in firefighters. Journal of Obesity, Volume 2012, Article ID 908267, 9 pages.

Smith, D.L. (2011). Firefighter fitness: improving performance and preventing injuries and fatalities. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 10(3): 167鈥172.

Park, K., Rosengren, K.S., Horn, G.P., Smith, D.L., Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T. (2011). Assessing gait changes in firefighters due to fatigue and protective clothing. Safety Science, 49(5): 719鈥726.

Fahs, C.A., Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P.,  Agiovlasitis, S., Rossow, L.M., Echols, G., Heffernan, K.S., Fernhall, B. (2009).  Impact of excess body weight on arterial structure, function, and blood pressure in firefighters. American Journal of Cardiology, 104: 1441鈥1445.

Smith, D.L., Friedman, N.M.G., Bloom, S.I., Armero, W.L., Pence, B.D., Cook, M.D., Fernhall, B., Horn, G.P., Woods, J. (2019).  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001626

Horn, G.P., Stewart, J.W., Kesler, R.M., DeBloise, J.P., Kerber, S., Fent, K.W., Scott, W.S., Fernhall, B., Smith, D.L. (2019).  Safety Science. 116:287-294.

Kesler, R.M., Ensari, I., Bollaert, R.E., Motl, R.W., Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T., Rosengren, K.S., Fernhall, B., Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P. (2018). Ergonomics. 61(3):390-403.

Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P., Woods, J., Ploutz-Snyder, R., Fernhall, B. (2016). . American Journal of Cardiology. May 5 [Epub].

Lane-Cordova, A.D., Ranadive, S.M., Yan, H., Kappus, R.M., Sun, P., Bunsawat, K., Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P., Ploutz-Snyder, R., Fernhall, B. (2015). Effect of aspirin supplementation on hemodynamics in older firefighters Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 47(12): 2653鈥2659.

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Benedict, R., Moore-Merrell, L. (2015). Cardiac strain associated with high-rise firefightingJournal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 12(4): 213鈥221.

Greenlee, T.A, Horn, G., Smith, D.L., Fahey, G., Goldstein, E., Petruzzello, S.J. (2014). The influence of short-term firefighting activity on information processing performance. Ergonomics. 57(5): 764鈥773.

Greenlee, T.A, Horn, G., Smith, D.L., Fahey, G., Goldstein, E., Petruzzello, S.J. (2014). The influence of short-term firefighting activity on information processing performance. Ergonomics. 57(5): 764鈥773.

Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P., Petruzzello, S.J., Fahey, G., Woods, J., Fernhall, B. (2014). Clotting and fibrinolytic changes after firefighting activities. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 46(3): 448鈥454.

Horn, G., Blevins, S., Fernhall, B., and Smith, D. (2013). Core temperature and heart rate responses to repeated bouts of firefighting activity. Ergonomics, 56(9): 1465鈥1473.

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Hultquist, E.M., Lefferts, W.K., Fehling, P.C. (2013). Effect of clothing layers in combination with fire fighting personal protective clothing on physiological and perceptual responses to intermittent work and on materials performance test results. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 10: 259鈥269.

Yan, H., Fahs, C.A., Ranadive, S., Rossow, L.M., Lane, A.D., Agiovlasitis, S., Echols, G., Smith, D., Horn, G., Rowland, T., Fernhall, B.  (2012). Evaluation of carotid wave intensity in firefighters following firefighting. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(7): 2385鈥2391.

Fernhall, B., Fahs, C.A., Horn, G.P., Rowland, T., Smith, D.L. (2012). Acute effects of firefighting on cardiac performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(2): 735鈥741.

Smith, D.L., Petruzzello, S.J., Goldstein, E., Ahmad, U., Tangella, K., Freund, G.G., Horn, G.P. (2011). Effect of live-fire training drills on firefighters鈥 platelet number and function. Prehospital Emergency Care, 15(2): 233鈥239.

Fahs, C.A., Yan, H., Ranadive, S., Rossow, L.M., Agiovlasitis, S., Echols, G., Smith, D., Horn, G.P., Rowland, T., Lane, A., Fernhall, B. (2011). Acute effects of firefighting on arterial stiffness and blood flow. Vascular Medicine, 16(2): 113鈥118.

 Edmonds, R.C., Wilkinson, A. F., Fehling, P.C. (2017). . International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science. 2(1): 455鈥460.

Barr, D., Haigh, C.A., Haller J., Smith, D.L. (2016). . Prehospital Emergency Care. March 8 [Epub].

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Benedict, R., Moore-Merrell, L. (2016). Prehospital Emergency Care. 20(1): 28鈥36.

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Benedict, R., Moore-Merrell, L. (2015). Firefighter incident rehabilitation: interpreting heart rate responsesPrehospital Emergency Care. May 15 [Epub ahead of print].

Horn, G., Gutzmer, S., Fahs, C.A., Petruzzello, S.J., Goldstein, E., Fahey, G.C., Fernhall, B., Smith, D.L. (2011). Physiological recovery from firefighting activities in rehabilitation and beyond. Prehospital Emergency Care, 15(2): 214鈥225.


Kerber, S., Regan, J.W., Horn, G.P., Fent, K.W., Smith, D.L. (2019). . Fire Technology. DOI: 

Banerjee, R.K., Kalathil, R.T., Zachariah, S.A., Paul, A.K., Amit Bhattacharya, A., Horn, G.P., Smith, D.L.  (2018).  Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications.  11(2):024502-024502-6.

Kesler, R.M., Ensari, I., Bollaert, R.E., Motl, R.W., Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T., Rosengren, K.S., Fernhall, B., Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P. (2018). Ergonomics. 61(3):390-403.

Edmonds, R.C., Wilkinson, A. F., Fehling, P.C. (2017). . International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science. 2(1): 455鈥460.

Ensari, I., Motl, R.W., Klaren, R.E., Fernhall, B., Smith, D.L., Horn, G.P. (2016). . Ergonomics. 60(5): 657鈥668.  

Dolezal, B.A., Barr, D.A., Boland, D., Smith D.L., Cooper C.B. (2015). Validation of the firefighter WFI treadmill protocol for predicting VO2max. Occupational Medicine. 65(2): 143鈥146.

Dolezal, B.A., Boland, D., Carney, J., Abrazado, M., Smith D.L., Cooper C.B. (2014). . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 11(12): 833鈥839.

Dolezal, B.A., Abrazado M., Batalin M.A., Smith D., Cooper C.B. (2014). Deployment of remote advanced electrocardiography for improved cardiovascular risk assessment in career firefighters. Telemedicine and e-Health. 20(7): 1鈥4. 

Smith, D.L., Arena, L., DeBlois, J.P., Haller, J.M., Hultquist, E.M., Lefferts, W.K., Russell, T., Wu, A., Fehling, P.C. (2014). Effect of base layer materials on physiological and perceptual responses to exercise in personal protective equipment. Applied Ergonomics, 45(3): 428鈥436.

Hur, P., Rosengren, K.S., Horn, G.P., Smith, D.L., Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T. (2013). Effect of protective clothing and fatigue on functional balance of firefighters. Journal of Ergonomics. S2: 004.

Smith, D.L., Haller, J.M., Hultquist, E.M., Lefferts, W.K., Fehling, P.C. (2013). Effect of clothing layers in combination with fire fighting personal protective clothing on physiological and perceptual responses to intermittent work and on materials performance test results. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 10: 259鈥269.

Smith, D.L., Fehling, P.C., Hultquist, E.M., Lefferts, W.K., Barr, D.A., Storer, T.W., Cooper, C.B. (2012). Firefighter鈥檚 personal protective equipment and the chronotropic indexErgonomics, 55(10): 1243鈥1251.

Smith, D.L., Shalmiyeva, I., DeBlois, J., Winke, M.  (2012). Use of salivary osmolality to assess dehydration. Prehospital Emergency Care, 16: 128鈥135.

Park, K., Rosengren, K.S., Horn, G.P., Smith, D.L., Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T. (2011). Assessing gait changes in firefighters due to fatigue and protective clothing. Safety Science, 49(5): 719鈥726.

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