(Last updated 08/01/2023)
Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence
in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 USC 1862o鈥1), as amended,
requires that each institution that applies for financial assistance from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) for science and engineering research or education describe
in its grant proposal a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the
responsible and ethical conduct of research (RECR) to undergraduate students, graduate
students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel supported
by the proposed research project. Such training must include mentor training and mentorship.
RECR is critical for excellence, as well as public trust, in science and engineering. RECR involves not only a responsibility to generate and disseminate knowledge with rigor and integrity, but also a responsibility to:
- conduct peer review with the highest ethical standards;
- diligently protect proprietary information and intellectual property from inappropriate disclosure; and
- treat students and colleagues fairly and with respect.
Consequently, education in RECR is considered essential in the preparation of future scientists and engineers.
The requirement specified in Section 7009 of COMPETES Act (42 USC 1862o鈥1), as amended,to have a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research is in effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after July 31, 2023.
In addition, 麻豆破解版 College extends NSF鈥檚 RECR training requirement to postbaccalaureate researchers supported by an NSF-funded project.
The provides detailed information about the assurances required of all grant applicants and award recipients. Background information and details on institutional responsibilities pertaining to RECR are documented in .
NIH requires that all trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support
through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional),
research education grant, and dissertation research grant must receive instruction
in responsible conduct of research. This policy also applies to any other NIH-funded
programs supporting research training, career development, or research education that
require instruction in responsible conduct of research as stated in the relevant funding
opportunity announcements. The purpose of the is to update the agency鈥檚 policy on instruction in the responsible conduct of research,
to convey some of the consensus best practices that have evolved in the research training
community over the past two decades, and to provide access to additional information
that may be useful to institutions and individuals in meeting their obligations under
NIH policy.
This policy and related procedures are designed to assist faculty, postdoctoral, graduate,
postbaccalaureate, and undergraduate researchers funded through an NSF grant or an
NIH grant with a required training component in completing training in RECR/RCR.
Training Participants
Undergraduate students, graduate students, postbaccalaureate researchers, postdoctoral
researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel who are contributing to an NSF-funded
research effort as part of a current/active NSF grant are required to satisfactorily
complete a training course.
Trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support through any NIH training, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant, and dissertation research grant are also required to satisfactorily complete a training course This training requirement also applies to any other NIH-funded programs supporting research training, career development, or research education that require instruction in responsible conduct of research as stated in the relevant funding opportunity announcements.
Training Timeframe
NSF Principal Investigators (PIs) are responsible for ensuring undergraduate students,
graduate students, postbaccalaureate researchers, postdoctoral researchers, faculty,
and other senior personnel (for funded proposals submitted or due on or after July
31, 2023), supported through their grant(s) complete training at the start of work
on the research project and no later than thirty (30) days immediately following the
initiation of the NSF-funded research. Training must be renewed every three years
NIH PIs are responsible for ensuring trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars supported through their grant(s) and subject to the NIH training requirement complete training at the start of work on the research project and no later than thirty (30) days immediately following the initiation of the NIH-funded research. Training must be renewed every three years thereafter.
Training Methods
Researchers are required to complete the training online through the RCR Course. Researchers can register for the RCR course by following these instructions:
Instructions for Accessing CITI Training Modules.
Training must be renewed every three years thereafter through the completion of the CITI Program RCR Refresher Course.
Reporting Completion of the RECR/RCR Training Requirement
The Office of Sponsored Research will email an RECR Training reminder to PIs in early
June, early September, and early January each year. The email will include a link
to the RECR/RCR Training Certification Form.
PIs are responsible for completing the RECR/RCR Training Certification Form on behalf of all researchers subject to the training requirement. Upon completion of the training by all researchers, the PI will:
1. Complete the RECR/RCR Training Certification Form
For all NSF grants, list undergraduate students, graduate students, postbaccalaureate researchers, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel compensated through the grant.
For NIH grants, list all trainees, fellows, participants, and scholars receiving support through any NIH-funded program that requires instruction in responsible conduct of research (as stated in the relevant funding opportunity announcement).
2. Print, sign, and date the RECR/RCR Training Certification Form
3. Email the RECR/RCR Training Certification Form to the Office of Sponsored Research at mhoehn@skidmore.edu
The Director and Assistant Directors of Sponsored Research will inform PIs of the
RECR/RCR training requirement during the pre-award/proposal preparation process. The
PIs and co-PIs will receive an email reminder and shall complete the RECR/RCR Training
Certification Form as described above and return to the Office of Sponsored Research
at mhoehn@skidmore.edu.